
Custom Loans

Customized Lending Solutions for Real Estate Investors

At Lux Loans, we understand that there are infinite ways to profit as a real estate investor. How you structure a deal and set up financing is limited only by how creative you want to make it. 

Our typical private loan products can be shaped to fit most situations. However, sometimes you might need something that’s outside the box. As a private, hard money lender, we have the freedom to create new terms, write up the required legal agreements, and fulfill the specific needs of your investment. 

Custom loans for your investments can give you an advantage in this competitive industry!

Custom Loans

Start your Custom Loan process with these details:


What is a Custom Loan?

Custom loans are tailored to fit the specific requirements of a real estate investments that need unique terms. While most investors and investments fit in to our Fix and Flip Loans or our other loan products, there are some circumstances that call for customization.

For example, when you are purchasing an investment property in order to rehab and sell it, the short-term funding will be paid off at the time of the sale of that property. If you know that you will be keeping the property in your portfolio as a rental, then it would be best for the short-term loan to be designed for this with minimal fees and costs to you.

Time Frame

Custom duration for larger investments with NO early payment penalties.

Multiple Properties

Wrap several properties in to a single loan.


Financing for multiple investment partners.

Lux and Custom Loans is a premier provider of investment loans, offering a wide range of customizable options to meet the needs of any borrower. Whether you’re looking to invest in real estate, start a business, or take advantage of other financial opportunities, has the loan products and services to help you succeed.

One of the most popular options offered by is the ability to customize the terms of your loan. This includes the loan amount, interest rate, and repayment period. By working closely with a loan specialist, borrowers can find the perfect loan package to meet their specific investment goals.

In addition to these loan customization options, also offers a range of value-added services to help borrowers succeed. For example, can help borrowers find the right investment properties, and connect them with experienced real estate agents. Similarly, for business borrowers, can help with business plan development, market research, and other critical aspects of starting and growing a successful business.

Overall, is a trusted provider of investment loans, offering a wide range of customizable options to meet the needs of any borrower. Whether you’re looking to invest in real estate, start a business, or take advantage of other financial opportunities, has the loan products and services to help you succeed.



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